Saint Lucia is in talks with other countries of the Caribbean on the implementation of a regional registry of sex offenders. Full Article
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Man thats sad that the US is pushing laws that have no evidnce that work to the whole tyrants currupt world tyranny no other way to see it
The monster we call the us government has been set loose on the world.
I wonder where he’s being motivated from: ” Williams suggested that there could be two or three levels as obtains in New Jersey, where he said there exists registries covering five, ten and fifteen years.”
gosh dam it! it’s as if the world has nothing better to do than to create boggy men!!!
Funny and sad…some third world, two bit fly spec of a country would enact a tiered registry. Funny, yet sad. What may be even more funny is that the population of 174,000 is likely uneducated and without a way to even check some registry. Of course, there is a benevolent person pushing this with his hands in their till.
M C H said it all!!!!
Sad to see a spec of an island wanting to be taken seriously or relevant as a country take this method in doing so. To me, they always be a vacation spot and nothing more. This is similar to Jamaica with the Bobsled Olympics in the movie cool runnings in which all the competing countries were laughing at them. The world and St Lucia population will not care for this. St. Lucia should just continue doing what they do best. Vacation tourism. Period.
just gose to show that no matter where you go gov slim will sell all people out for the money that comes across there greedy palms, and the people love boggy man fiction